Diploma of Community Services

This qualification will teach you how to work in multiple different roles in the Community and NDIS. Call us today to discuss your individual learning options 0400126670

We Believe

WeĀ believe anyone who is motivated to take their education and skills to the next level can, with the right coaching, training and guidance.

In World Class Training

We do this through face to face workshops and meet ups, Live online webinars and online mobile friendly 24/7 365 days a year access to the best training a community worker could want.

& Connection

Unlike a lot of other jobs community workers can spend a lot of time working solo, it can feel a bit isolating at times, come and join other community worker crusaders on their journey so we can connect and share our crazy funny experiences and learnings together.


Job Security

The NDIS has bought so many changes and challenges, we will help you navigate these changes so that you can have job security and take advantage of the opportunities that have been created.

We will assist you in identifying the opportunities and planning for the challenges.




We offer the Diploma in Community Services (CHC52015) online via Zoom classes with one on one instruction and guidance. You can learn and complete assessments from anywhere.


Join us Now

The Diploma of Community Services CHC52015 is a great qualification to have to get you working job you love and that helps your community


50% Complete

Two Step

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